Mi Yoga es:

Intenso, fluído, meditativo y claro

Fuego,agua,tierra y aire representan los compnentes esenciales de la clase de yoga de Pedro. Los elementos se complementan uno a otro y crean interacción, una sensación calmante de harmonía y equilibrio.

my Yoga is:

Intense, fluent, meditative and clear

Fire, water, earth, air represent the essential components of Pedro´s yoga class. The elements complement each other and create in their interaction, a soothing feeling of harmony and Balance.

With Pedro´s Yoga program you will get to know the 4 elements. In each of the yoga classes, another aspect is in the foreground, without neglecting the other components:

Quien puede participar?

Las secuencias del yoga de Pedro son exigentes y desafiantes. En cualquier caso se adaptan a cada nivel con variaciones y pausas.

El programa es conveniente para deportistas iniciados y avanzados.

Who can participate?

Pedro´s Yoga sequences are demanding and challenging. However, the exercises can be adapted to the respective level through variations and pauses. The program is suitable for sporty beginners and advanced.